3M™ AdFlo™ Powered Air Respirator Prefilters

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Replacement particle prefilters for use with 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirators

Captures large particles which may otherwise clog the particulate filter

Replacement Part

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Hlavní informace
  • Replacement particle prefilters for use with 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirators
  • Captures large particles which may otherwise clog the particulate filter
  • Replacement Part
  • For highest possible safety and comfort, regularly check your equipment for worn or damaged parts

Replacement particulate prefilter for 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR). Installs into the Adflo™ turbo filter cover, between the spark arrestor and the High Efficiency particulate filter.

Ensure you are maximising the effective protection of your respiratory equipment with the 3M range of replacement filters and prefilters. 3M™ Adflo™ prefilters fit onto the 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirator and capture large particles that may otherwise clog the particle filter, reducing operating costs by extending its life. The use and regular replacement of prefilters may also increase the battery run-time, battery life efficiency and reduce operating costs.. For maximum safety and comfort, regularly check your equipment for worn or damaged parts.

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