3M™ Jednotka s pohonem vzduchu Versaflo™, startovací sada, TR-619E obsahuje TR-602E Turbo, filtr A2P, kryt filtru, předfiltry (x10), lapač jisker (x2), snadno čistitelný opasek, vysokokapacitní baterii, nabíjecí stanici na jednu baterii, BT-30 délkově nastavitelnou dýchací hadici a ukazatel proudění vzduchu.
For a simple and intuitive starter kit that has many of the component parts you need for a powered air system for respiratory protection use 3M™ Versaflo™ Powered Air Turbo Starter Kit, TR-619E. It offers respiratory protection against dusts, mists, fumes and organic vapours. Our starter kit combines functionality and versatility, offering protection against particles, gases and vapours, or a combination of these depending on the types of filters used. The TR-602E Turbo features three user selectable flow rates and has a lightweight and balanced design to maximise user comfort. The kit includes an A2P filter and filter cover, ten prefilters, two spark arrestors, BT-30 length adjusting breathing tube and an easy clean waistbelt. A high capacity battery and single station battery charger kit ensures you can plan for a long working day, and an airflow indicator features visual, vibratory and audible warning alarms to alert users to low airflow and battery status. Simply add the compatible headtop you need for the job.
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