Scotch-Brite™ Radial Bristle Disc

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Moulded abrasive-filled bristles strip, deburr, blend, finish, polish, clean and remove coatings

Get aggressive cutting and consistent finish quality for the entire disc life with 3M Ceramic Abrasive Grain

Flexible bristles need less pressure than wire brushes and conform to contours, even on complex parts

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Hlavní informace
  • Moulded abrasive-filled bristles strip, deburr, blend, finish, polish, clean and remove coatings
  • Get aggressive cutting and consistent finish quality for the entire disc life with 3M Ceramic Abrasive Grain
  • Flexible bristles need less pressure than wire brushes and conform to contours, even on complex parts
  • Bristle spacing is ideal for coating removal and other high loading substances
  • Contains no wire filaments for improved safety

Scotch-Brite™ Radial Bristle Disc features 3M Ceramic Abrasive Grain and moulded, flexible bristles for more surface contact than wire brushes and abrasive staying power for the entire disc life. Our fast-running disc removes surface defects including paint, stains, burns and rust from large areas.

Efficiently remove paint, stains, adhesives, weld burns, rust, heavy oxides, and surface contaminants from large areas, with fast running Scotch-Brite™ Radial Bristle Disc. Our durable discs are designed to cut fast and last longer than wire and other abrasive discs. They work well on aluminium, brass, bronze, carbon steel, cast iron, stainless steel, and other metals. They are recommended for use in general industrial, aerospace, automotive, metalworking and transport applications. They use moulded, flexible bristles that offer more surface contact than wire brushes and remain safely in place during light pressure, to achieve the desired finish. Our discs feature 3M ceramic aluminium oxide blend, a superior performing ceramic mineral designed to enhance the grain’s toughness and hardness. This ceramic aluminium oxide blend is engineered to fracture frequently for a cut rate and longevity that surpasses aluminium oxide abrasives. Ceramic abrasives are designed to handle intense heat and stress applications. Scotch-Brite abrasives are unique surface conditioning products, combining abrasives with non-woven fibre material, creating an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the product’s entire lifetime. The open web material runs cool and is load resistant, limiting clogging of the fibres to keep the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance.

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Podobné produkty

Celkový průměr (metricky) 76,2 mm, 50,8 mm, 19,05 mm, 14,288 mm, 25,4 mm
Typ štětin Typ C (zakřivený), Typ A (zkosený)
Zrnitost P120, P80, P220, P400, P50
Brusný materiál Keramika

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