3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material 8935 with high reflection values for flame resistant high-visibility clothing to low stress.
3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material 8935 helps to enhance the visibility in low-light and nighttime conditions. It’s designed especially for flame resistant high-visibility clothing subject to low stress such as industrial and occupational garments, leisure wear and accessories. The material shines white when illuminated, even if the wearer is at the roadside. It meets various global high-visibility standards such as ISO 20471, and exceeds by far the minimum reflections values required at the highest performance level, thus greatly improving the visibility of people. 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material 8935 consists of high-precision glass beads bonded to a durable, flame-resistant 100% cotton fabric. It is characterized by a high degree of heat resistance, does not affect the flame-retardant properties of the garment, and it's renowned for its good long-term flame resistance as per EN 469. The product is washable in a home wash process at 60°C (30 cycles as per ISO 6330-6N). Dry cleaning is also possible (15 cycles as per ISO 3175-2). 3M pioneered the science of retroreflection in 1939. Since then, we strive to make the world a safer, more visible place for all.
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