Naše 3M™ Elite excentrické brusky s vlastním odsáváním používají systém vlastního odsávání (SGV) a umožňují profesionální a bezprašnou práci, při které trvale vytvářejí povrch bez stop kroužení. Tyto brusky jsou určené k použití ve vysokokapacitních průmyslových provozech, kde je požadováno odsávání.
Using the inlet air to create its own venture vacuum, 3M™ Elite Self-Generated Vacuum Random Orbital Sanders extract the dust from the work surface and expels it through a wide collection port on the back of the tool into a filter bag. Our sanders come with a 3M™ Clean Sanding Filter Bag which gives superior HEPA-rated dust collection with an air filter inside the bag that locks dust away. Part of the 3M™ Clean Sanding System – made up of the SGV tool, Clean Sanding disc pad and Clean Sanding disc – our sanders eliminate dust from the workspace. The abrasive disc and disc pad rotates in two simultaneous overlapping oval patterns so no single abrasive particle follows the same path twice, producing a scratch and swirl free finish ready for paint or varnish. An extended curved wrist rest reduces hand and wrist stress while providing more leverage. The recessed lever platform eliminates painful pinch and pressure points on the operator’s palm. Our rubber grip contains 3M™ Gripping Material for a stronger grip, giving more control with less effort. A durable composite cover extends to the base to absorb vibration and prevent cracking, keeping our sander in service longer. Stop unintentional speed changes with a convenient thumb controlled speed dial. It optimises sanding and surface preparation on wood, metal, fiberglass, composite materials and many other substrates. Our 3M™ Hookit™ system (included) gives easy disc changes and lets operators use Scotch-Brite™ discs in addition to coated abrasive Hookit discs (both sold separately).
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