3M™ Mušlové chrániče pod svářečskou kuklu PELTOR™ H505B jsou navrženy pro použití s 3M™ Speedglas™ 9100.
Get comfortable hearing protection when welding with 3M™ PELTOR™ H505B Welding Earmuffs. They’re specifically designed for use with welding helmets such as 3M™ Speedglass™ Welding Helmet Series 9100 and have a modern, stylish slim cup design. Not only good looking, the low-profile design sits well under most welding helmets, as well as a semi-soft cup that minimises scratch sound transmission which can be a distraction. Our neckband welding earmuffs are CE certified and tested to EN 352 and reduce noise levels up to 24 dB. The soft foam cushions help decrease pressure around the ears, making them comfortable to wear for long periods. With a two-point suspension for balanced pressure distribution, this advanced earmuff delivers the comfortable protection that professionals need. The cushions and foam inserts are available as a Hygiene Kit, are easy to replace if they become worn or damaged, extending the life of the product.
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