Náhradní svářečská kukla 9100 MP (bez svařovacího filtru), pokud se originální přilba poškodila, ale stále používáte svářecí filtr.
Get comfortable, easy to use protection during welding applications with 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 9100 MP Series. It combines five levels of protection; head, eye, face, breathing and hearing (optional). Our welding helmet has a flip-up front that gives you a large, 170 mm x 100 mm clear view that’s excellent for precision grinding in low-light conditions. Fits with 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Filter Series 9100 (passive or auto-darkening), to be ordered separately. The side windows (shade 5) can help widen your field of vision when wearing in the down position. This helmet is compatible with 3M™ PELTOR™ Earmuffs X-Series for optional hearing protection. For complete respiratory system combine with 3M™ Adflo™ Powered Air Respirator. For extended protection there is an all-new accessory shroud to cover front and back of neck and shoulders (169015) and a heat-reflecting, silver coated helmet cover (169014), to be ordered as accessories.
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