Scotch-Brite™ brusné a lešticí kotouče jsou určeny pro agresivní sjednocování a dokončování. Jsou tvrdší než ostatní kotouče pro dokončovací aplikace či brusné a lešticí kotouče a výborně se hodí ke korekci defektů nebo sjednocování poškrábání většího rozsahu. Zanechávají povrch s hustým rýhováním.
Scotch-Brite™ Cut and Polish Wheel helps to remove surface defects, coarse grind lines, blend forging marks and machine mismatches while leaving a uniform grain finish. Our cut and polish wheels are available in a range of diameters and widths. They can be used with robotics, inline sanders, bench motors, backstands and centreless grinders. These wheels feature aluminium oxide mineral. This mineral makes a tough, durable abrasive that self-fractures to expose fresh cutting edges, whereas traditional natural abrasives dull more quickly. Due to its fast cut-rate, hardness and strength, it is widely used in grinding, sanding and finishing applications. Aluminium oxide is suitable for a wide variety of materials in both woodworking and metalworking, including ferrous alloys. Scotch-Brite abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fibre matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibres.
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