Bond lightweight materials like fiberglass insulation, felt, shoddy, paper and other materials to metal and many other surfaces with 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Insulation Adhesive 49. Our adhesive is water-based, high solids, fast tacking, and pressure sensitive adhesive that’s easy to spray, brush, roll or apply.
3M™ Fastbond™ Insulation Adhesive 49 is a long-time member of 3M’s portfolio of go-to, everyday-use adhesives considered by many to be necessary at the factory. We designed 3M™ Fastbond™ Insulation Adhesive 49 to have an aggressive tack that offers a high initial grab as well as sufficient open time to position materials properly. High-solids content supports its low soak-in property, giving you ample time to align your insulation properly. This attribute also provides higher coverage than competing adhesives. The combination of fast tack, strong bond and clean appearance make it ideal for projects of all kinds. Recommended Applications Insulation installation HVAC fiberglass insulation Hanging fabric, felt, foam and more Ideal for Your Insulation Application 3M™ Fastbond™ Insulation Adhesive 49 provides a clean, economical solution for installing insulation. This water-based adhesive is GREENGUARD™ certified and meets California and OTC state VOC requirements.
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