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  4. Pásky pro přichycení na flexografické desky
  5. 3M™ Cushion-Mount™ Plus Plate Mounting Tape E1015H

3M™ Cushion-Mount™ Plus Plate Mounting Tape E1015H

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White, flexo plate mounting tape has air release feature with high plate side adhesion

0.38 mm thickness

Standard density

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Hlavní informace
  • White, flexo plate mounting tape has air release feature with high plate side adhesion
  • 0.38 mm thickness
  • Standard density
  • Consistent caliper control allows the printer to use multiple foam densities on a print job to optimise print quality
  • Easy Mount liner, has micro-channels in both adhesive surfaces. The crosshatched pattern allows air to escape from between the tape and cylinder/sleeve and between the tape and plate. The productivity is increased, total handling time is reduced and printing defects are eliminated

Mount your photopolimeric plate to print cylinders with 3M™ Cushion-Mount™ Plus Plate Mounting Tape E1015H. Our 0.38 mm white, double coated foam tape has the air release feature with high plate side adhesion. It is used for combination jobs.

3M™ Cushion-Mount™ Plus Plate Mounting Tape E1015H with easy mount adhesive and higher plate side adhesive is created for mounting flexographic print plates to cylinders or sleeves. It provides high quality standard combination print, and is suitable for combination of solids and tone reproduction where solids and process are equally important. Our Easy Mount liner creates micro-channels in both adhesive surfaces. The crosshatched pattern creates a continuous and permanent network of micro-channels in the adhesive, allowing air to escape from between the tape and cylinder/sleeve and between the tape and plate. The adhesive on the linered side (plate side) of the tape is designed for mounting photopolymer plates, has excellent holding power on-press and clean plate removal when demounting. The adhesive on the non-linered side (cylinder side) of the tape is designed for mounting to flexographic printing cylinders or sleeves, providing easy application at mounting and clean removability when demounting.

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