3M™ Medical Tape 9836, Single Sided Polyurethane, 78# Liner, Configurable

  • 3M ID 7100009902

Acrylic Adhesive

Fluid Resistant


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Hlavní informace
  • Acrylic Adhesive
  • Fluid Resistant
  • Printable
  • Conformable

This single sided medical tape on a roll (9836) consists of a liquid barrier, breathable, thin, conformable backing coated on one side with a pressure sensitive acrylic adhesive. It is provided on a white paper liner as well as a clear poly carrier for premium appearance and handling. May be used for health care medical devices.

3M Medical Materials and Technologies helps health care manufacturers design and build more reliable, innovative and feature-rich medical devices. Customers leverage 3M technical expertise to select materials and technologies that integrate together for their break-through medical industry, device innovations designed for improving or enhancing lives.

Navrhované aplikace
  • General medical applications requiring breathability
  • Printable for medical labeling
  • Suitable for wound care dressings and wearable devices that require thin, breathable and conformable stick to skin tapes
  • General body worn or "Stick-to-skin" applications
  • Material and / or technology for health care or medical device construction


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