3M™ Systém s přívodem vzduchu S-200+ je pohodlný a univerzální systém přívodu vzduchu určený pro použití se širokou škálou 3M™ polomasek a celoobličejových masek pro opakované použití.
Get protection against particles such as fine dusts, aerosols, paint spray or metal fume; gases and vapours; and combination hazards with 3M™ Supplied Air Respirator System, S-200+. This supplied air respirator system is designed to be used with approved 3M™ Half and Full Face Masks. It can be used as a standard airline respirator system or in dual-mode with filter back-up when the air supply is disconnected. Our lightweight, balanced system provides a constant flow of user-adjustable air across the face for a cooler, more comfortable wear. The low profile, narrow-bore breathing tube provides added ease of movement and reduces interference with your work. This belt mounted system features double action couplings to help minimise the risk of accidental disconnection during use, so you can remain confident in your protection. The stainless-steel CAST connection offers improved corrosion resistance, perfect for tough conditions. For added peace of mind, the S-200+ includes a flow check bag which allows users to conduct a simple pre-use check to ensure the correct amount of air is being delivered. The system is simple to maintain and replacing parts is quick, easy and intuitive. This respirator system has been ATEX texted and is suitable for use in IIB 2GD environments under certain conditions. It is tested in accordance with EN-13463-1 for nonelectrical equipment when fitted with a 3M™ 308-00-72P Antistatic Compressed Air Supply Tube. It's CE approved and rated to EN14594:2005 Class 3A/B when used with a half face mask or Class 4A/B when used with a full face mask.
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