3M™ PELTOR™ Bull's Eye™ III je chránič sluchu s výjimečně vysokým útlumem pro prostředí s velmi intenzivním hlukem, kde soustředění nesmí být ohrožováno rušivými zvuky.
Get comfortable, high performance hearing protection with 3M™ PELTOR™ Optime™ III Earmuffs. Tested in accordance with EN 352:2020, our earmuffs reduce noise levels up to 34 dB. They’re ideal for use in extremely loud environments such as airports, power stations, marine engine rooms and print works. Created with a double-casing technology that minimises resonance in the holder casing that results in maximum high-frequency attenuation. The large space inside the cups helps reduce heat and moisture build-up, and the soft, wide foam cushions offer low contact pressure around the ears, making them comfortable to wear for long periods and increasing compliance through user wear preference. Our earmuff stands for effective protection and highest comfort for the wearer. The cushions and foam inserts are available as Hygiene Kits which are easy to replace if they become worn or damaged, extending the life of the product. 3M™ PELTOR™ Optime™ III Earmuffs are available in headband, neckband, helmet attached and Hi-Viz green models.
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