Scotch-Brite™ SC Pás na úpravy povrchu je odolný pás navržený na provádění jemné práce, jako je sjednocování, sjednocování rohů, čištění, finišování obrysů, začišťování, začišťování rohů, jemné finišování, finišování do roviny, zarovnávání zrna, finišování nerezové oceli a dosahování finišů v jedné linii na řadě kovů.
For cleaning, finishing and light deburring use our durable and flexible Scotch-Brite™ Surface Conditioning Low Stretch Belt. Our belts offer effective cutting, while avoiding damage to substrates and are ideal for use on contoured and uneven surfaces. The belts perform best on steel, stainless steel, carbon, titanium, nickel alloys and may be used on aluminium, copper, brass and soft non-ferrous metals. They’re available in a wide range designed to suit a variety of different applications. Scotch-Brite Surface Conditioning Low Stretch belts are engineered with aluminium oxide and silicon carbide minerals. They are available in a variety of combinations, including: aluminium oxide medium (A MED), aluminium oxide very fine (A VFN), aluminium oxide coarse (A CRS), silicon carbide medium (S MED), silicon carbide super fine (S SFN) and silicon carbide very fine (S VFN). Aluminium oxide cuts softer but lasts longer than silicon carbide. It's ideal for use when a soft scratch is desirable, such as on softer metals or where gouging and undercutting are a main concern. For a coarser more aggressive cut, silicon carbide is a good choice. Our finer grades provide finer finishes, while medium or coarse grades provide coarser finishes. Our belts are designed for use in low stretch applications, when a standard scrim belt is stretching on the machine, or when less conformability is desired. They are resistant to wear and sharp edges and are useful in a variety of industries, from transport to metal fabrication. Choose from a variety of belt types, from file to narrow to portable to pump sleeve and wide and flat finishing. Tools, surface area, contours and dimensions of the piece to be worked on should all be considered when choosing a belt. Narrow belts are commonly used in benchstand and backstand applications. Pump sleeves are fitted around expander wheels and used for finishing large equipment that can’t be moved. Open web Scotch-Brite industrial abrasives are unique with many benefits. The non-woven technology comprises of a combination of fibre strands, resin and abrasive mineral to create a thick, open web. The fibres are springy and respond to contours effectively removing unwanted burrs, soils and contaminants while maintaining the geometry of the workpiece. The result is less rework and greater productivity. Gaps in the web allow swarf to escape, so debris does not clog the mineral. Fibres in the web continually break down with use to reveal fresh mineral, for exceptional consistency, superior cut performance and extremely long service life. Scotch-Brite products are designed to enhance productivity, and make work life easier. From aesthetic finishing to weld blending, deburring and more – they work fast and deliver consistent results.
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