3M™ Zátkové chrániče E-A-R™ Push-Ins EX-01-020 přinášejí revoluci do ochrany sluchu, protože nabízejí více výhod než mnohé jiné pěnové zátky.
For a 3M E-A-Rform™ Foam tip that’s shaped and sized to comfortably fit your ear, use 3M™ E-A-R™ Push-Ins™ Earplugs. Don't let dirt, chemicals and other harmful substances from your work wind up in your ears. Help prevent hand-to-ear contamination with 3M™ Push-to-Fit Earplugs. You don’t need to roll down them down – a gentle push is all that’s needed for a consistent fit. They are especially well suited for activities that require gloves or cause dirty hands or situations when only one hand is free to fit the earplugs. The cord keeps earplugs readily available and helps keep foam ear tips clean between uses. Get the best of both worlds — the comfort of slow-recovery foam with the convenience of a push-in earplug. They are recognisable for their yellow pods style tip and robust blue stem. They are CE Certified and approved against EN 352-2:2020. The Single Number Rating (SNR) is 35 dB when tested using two-hand insertion method and 31 dB when tested using one hand insertion method. Fit test probes are available to conduct fit testing using the 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual Ear Validation System.
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