Uživatelé mohou předělat náš Scotch-Brite™ Light Deburring Bun na upravené kotouče pro specifická použití. Výsledkem kotouč s plynulým chodem a spirálovitou konstrukcí, který nabízí čisticí systém pro lehké odstraňování otřepů, leštění a dokončování. Náš Light Deburring Bun, který je měkký a má hladký chod, vyžaduje menší úsilí operátora než jiné tvrdší kotouče.
Effective Deburring, Consistent Finish Our Scotch-Brite™ Light Deburring Bun is uniquely suited to applications where a moderate degree of conformability and density are needed to maintain critical tolerances while providing a fine polished finish. The convolute, non-woven construction of the bun enables wheels to run smoothly and provide consistent abrasive action over flat or irregular surfaces throughout the life of the product. Use it to clean, finish, blend, deburr and polish all types of metals, composites and glass. Cool, Non-Loading Performance A unique resin system helps minimize smearing and reduces heat build-up, reducing the risk of part discoloration and warping while extending the life of the wheel. Moreover, the open web resists loading so operators can depend on consistent, prolonged performance. Extra Sharp, Fine Grade Silicon Carbide Our Scotch-Brite™ Light Deburring Bun contains fine grade silicon carbide abrasive. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a finer finish. The Scotch-Brite™ Advantage Scotch-Brite™ industrial abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into non-woven nylon or synthetic fibers. Combining abrasives with the fibers creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. We made this bun with open-web material that runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers. Scotch-Brite products may enhance productivity while reducing the need for cleaning chemicals and wire brushes. From aesthetic finishing to weld blending, deburring, and more, Scotch-Brite abrasives work fast and deliver consistent results, part after part.
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