3M™ Polyimide Film Tape 5413 is made with polyimide film and a silicone adhesive. It is used for PCB solder masking and other high temperature applications.
"Use 3M™ Polyimide Film Tape 5413 for PCB solder masking and other high temperature applications within a range of 73 °C to 260 °C. This amber coloured, 2.7 mil thick tape is made with an polyimide film and a silicone adhesive. It also features a polyethylene tape core instead of cardboard. The silicone adhesive's high temperature performance reduces adhesive transfer which helps eliminate cleaning, allowing you to keep productivity high. Polyimide film provides an excellent release as it doesn’t soften and stays dimensionally stable at high temperatures – preventing rework. Surfaces are protected due to this tapes flame retardancy, chemical and radiation resistance, reducing replacement costs."
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