3M™ Double Coated PVC Tape 9087

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260µm thick double coated tape with a PVC, polyvinyl chloride carrier. This tape with adhesive on both sides of a thick PVC carrier for easy handling. Paper liner.

Thick, double coated film tape with acrylic adhesive. High tack, immediate bond, quick stick, high adhesion and good initial adhesion to a wide variety of materials or surfaces. High strength. Solvent resistant tape.

Bond smooth, rough or textured surfaces with high tack, immediate bond, quick stick and high adhesion

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Hlavní informace
  • 260µm thick double coated tape with a PVC, polyvinyl chloride carrier. This tape with adhesive on both sides of a thick PVC carrier for easy handling. Paper liner
  • Thick, double coated film tape with acrylic adhesive. High tack, immediate bond, quick stick, high adhesion and good initial adhesion to a wide variety of materials or surfaces. High strength. Solvent resistant tape
  • Bond smooth, rough or textured surfaces with high tack, immediate bond, quick stick and high adhesion
  • Use for multiple application across many industries
  • Offers resistance to UV light, solvents and plasticizers

3M™ High Performance Double Coated Tape 9087 is a 260µm double coated tape with Adhesive 375, PVC carrier 38µm, tape is white in color on a white paper liner with green 3M logo

Bond smooth, rough or textured surfaces with high tack, immediate bond, quick stick, high adhesion 3M™ High Performance Double Coated Tape 9087. Our tape is made with Adhesive 375, is solvent resistant, and has a PVC carrier. The tape is also white in colour on a white paper liner with green 3M logo.

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