Festool Automotive Systems excentrická bruska ETS EC 150 / 5 je vysoce výkonná ruční bruska s jemným brusným talířem Jetstream HT FUSION-TEC 150 mm, který pracuje s brusným zdvihem 5 mm.
Get a very high quality surface finish with the 5 mm fine sanding stroke of Festool Automotive Systems Eccentric Sander ETS EC 150 / 5. The compact design and 1.2 Kg weight provides ideal ergonomic working conditions while vibration and extraction detection offers great protection. It has a long life thanks to EC technology and a sanding pad brake with carbide tip. This sander has stepless speed preselection and a constant speed even under load. This sander comes with an extra soft 150 mm Festool Automotive Systems StickFix sanding pad and can be used with the SYSTAINER SYS 2 T-LOC. Use for a range of applications including pre-sanding for polishing, fine sanding, final sanding of fillers and fine sanding of mineral materials.
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