Scotch-Brite™ Surface Conditioning kotouče GB-DH jsou vysoce trvanlivé kotouče určené k použití při lehkém broušení a sjednocování, které vytvářejí povrchovou úpravu bez otřepů. Jsou opatřeny rychloupínacím systémem 3M™ Roloc™ pro snadnou a rychlou výměnu kotouče. Vysoce odolný produkt pro agresivní aplikace.
Use Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Light Grinding and Blending Discs for optimal weld grinding and blending in mild steel applications, moderate to heavy stock removal and finishing. In weld grinding and blending, light grinding and blending discs can effectively blend and refine a grade 36 scratch or finer. Often, they can be used alone to prepare surfaces for painting, where a 3 mil or greater paint thickness is to be applied, without the need for a final dual-action sanding step. Ceramic aluminium oxide abrasive is designed using our own process that enhances the toughness and hardness of the grain for a higher level performance. Ceramic aluminium oxide blend is engineered to fracture frequently and surpasses aluminium oxide abrasives in both cut rate and durability. Perfect for moderate to heavy stock removal as well as finishing. Roloc quick change discs are smaller discs that quickly and easily attach onto a Roloc disc pad* for convenient disc changes for swapping tasks easily or in multi-step finishing processes. The Roloc system provides a secure attachment even for heavy-duty applications, and the variety of available 3M™ Roloc discs allows swapping from one application to the next in seconds. Each disc is also colour-coded to identify its grade, making it easy to grab the grade required for different applications. *Sold separately
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