Scotch-Brite™ EXL kotouč pro odstraňování otřepů má tvrdou a hustou strukturu, která rychle odstraňuje otřepy, dokončuje a leští všechny typy kovových, kompozitních, i skleněných materiálů a zanechává na nich hladký a čistý povrch. Díky svým přizpůsobivým vlastnostem je tento kotouč ideálním řešením pro odstraňování otřepů na lisovaných či laserem obráběných dílech, a také pro dokončování po broušení pásem.
Scotch-Brite™ EXL Deburring Wheel features a hard, dense consistency that quickly deburrs, finishes, and polishes all types of metals, composites, glass and leaves a smooth, clean surface. Our EXL deburring wheels are conformable, making it ideal for deburring stamped or laser cut parts and for finishing after belt sanding. A unique resin system produces less smearing, reducing clean and prep time. Convolute construction and clean, uniform wear keep these wheels running smoothly and help the operator attain a professional finish while minimising fatigue. Scotch-Brite material runs cool and provides these wheels with uniform wear and keeps fresh abrasives continuously exposed, making them a superior choice on heat sensitive substrates. The toughness of these wheels extend their service life. They are available with silicon carbide or aluminium oxide abrasive mineral. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint preparation and finishing. Aluminium oxide is a hard, blocky mineral that provides high cut-rate and long life. While silicon carbide breaks down faster than aluminium oxide, it produces a finer finish Scotch-Brite abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fibre matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibres.
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