3M™ Speedglas™ Svářečská kukla 9100 s bočními průzory. Obsahuje 3M™ svářečskou kazetu Speedglas™ 9100X: proměnný tmavý odstín 5, 8, 9-13 pro většinu typů svařování obloukem.
Get an auto-darkening helmet with optional side windows and seven variable dark shades (5, 8 and 9-13) for most types of arc welding, with 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 9100 Series 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Filter 9100 Series continues our tradition of outstanding optical quality, including uniform shading and minimal distortion across the entire filter viewing area. Featuring optional helmet side windows (shade 5 filters) that widen your field of view. Cover plates included. A delay function sets the dark-to-light opening time, and it’s possible to lock-in any shade, e.g. in light state 3 when grinding. It has a switching time (light-dark) of 0.1 ms, and the sensitivity of the arc detection can be adjusted for reliable switching. Tack welding comfort mode also helps minimise eye strain during extended tack welding applications. High-comfort Speedglas headband 9100 with smooth ratchet for precise tightening. Helmet is compatible with most 3M™ Safety Spectacles and/or 3M™ Disposable or Reusable Welding Particulate Respirators.
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